I went out to the movies tonight and saw two new movies: Jack Black in NACHO LIBRE and Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock in THE LAKE HOUSE. I enjoyed both although I was ready for NL to end before it was over. TLH is a boy meets girl in a time warp plot and is a touchingly sweet story set in Chicago on the lake front. I liked the scenery. The thing that struck me about this story line is that sometimes relationships just don't work out because we aren't both living in the same year or perhaps the same place for that matter--not on the same page so to speak. Getting that insight alone justified seeing this movie. Often one person in a relationship is ahead of the other and it doesn't work. Another time or another place and it might have been. That explained a lot to me about relationship. "Too soon old and too late smart" as it has been said.
Other than the movies this has been a quiet weekend for me. I mucked around the house all day not accomplishing anything except to take care of Maggie, the little dog I am sitting. I should have enjoyed it more because I will be baby sitting a lot this next week and will wish that I had more time at home. Well, I still have tomorrow.
Other than the movies this has been a quiet weekend for me. I mucked around the house all day not accomplishing anything except to take care of Maggie, the little dog I am sitting. I should have enjoyed it more because I will be baby sitting a lot this next week and will wish that I had more time at home. Well, I still have tomorrow.
At 11:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for spoiling the ending of the Lakehouse for me Donna...Just kidding...... Bon
At 11:38 AM,
dddonna said…
I am sorry if my readers think I may have spoiled the ending for the movie THE LAKE HOUSE. You will have to see it for yourself--I have not given away the ending any more than have the critics. This is one of those stories that leaves you needing to see it again in order to figure it all out which I will be doing. It is like life, not all neatly packaged up in the end. I urge you to see it. While it is somewhat on the chick flick side it has enough intrigue for most anyone.
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