donna's doings

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Last night I watched "The Producers" again with my friend Dorothy who is visiting me. I think I laughed more the second time than when I saw it originally. Of course, it is better on the big screen but with so much satire and irony it is hard to catch it all the first time around. The outtakes on the DVD version are priceless as well. This time I was also more aware of how many similarities it has to Mel Brooks "Blazing Saddles" referring to someone as the Teutonic Twit and his presentation of the male version of Madeline Kahn and her role in BS's. I always thought Madeline's character was priceless and am so sorry that she is no longer with us. If you haven't seen it (Producers) I suggest it as a holiday romp. Of course, Blazing Saddles is still a romp too.


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