donna's doings

Friday, November 09, 2007


Yesterday was weigh in day for me. I haven't done this in years but I had put on some weight and several weeks ago I decided to try to change my eating--not a diet--and try to take some pounds off. When I began my new eating habits I had already taken off 5 pounds and in the next 4 to 5 weeks I magically dropped 15 more pounds. Then for 4 to 5 weeks I was at a standstill, never losing and sometimes fluctuating up as much as 5 pounds. I tried to stay faithful to my eating plan which, I must confess, is not terribly strict and allows me the freedom to still eat out and not have to be picky or even tell other people. So when I got on the scale yesterday and had dropped a pound and a half from what seemed like a set point I was really happy. It gave me new resolve to keep at the new plan. It is one that I decided for myself and I actually eat quite well. So I will keep on with my baby steps to better health and weight and make more effort to establish my next new habit--taking my Omega 3, vitamin and calcium on a regular basis. I'm having trouble with that handfull of big pills. Gotta go. If you are curious about how I am eating you can ask.


  • At 11:43 PM, Blogger JT Evans said…

    Congratulations and good luck to you. I've got a big struggle right now because of a heel spur which is keeping me from walking, my best source of burning calories. Otherwise I've been doing pretty well on moderating my intake. Keep up the good fight.

  • At 12:25 AM, Blogger Mark said…

    I started taking Ginkgo Biloba for memory, but I gave up. I just kept forgetting to take them. If I did remember to take them then I'd forget where I put them. Sometimes it's best to admit that there's just no help... Sigh... LOL


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