Just occasionally I realize that there is sometimes joy to be had in living alone. One of those I have been taking great enjoyment in during this holiday season is that I can play as much Christmas music for as many hours and as many days as I want without any grinch fussing about it. And if I want to keep playing it after the holidays are over I can still do that. My new album for this year--actually there are two--is Josh Groban's Noel and an album of Xmas songs arranged by John Rutter and sung by the Cambridge Singers. This album hasn't arrived yet but it will get lots of play time when it comes--maybe today. John Rutter is one of my most favorite choral arrangers of all time. I hope that you too are enjoying some of the season's hits whether it be Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer or the ever popular and simple Silent Night. The tear jerker for me is I'll Be Home For Christmas because I realize it will never again be a reality in this life for me. Happy listening.
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
You could have had the Rutter CD for the asking. I played it the last two days. It's the only Xmas music I like.
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