donna's doings

Friday, February 08, 2008


It was a busy day but a good one. I suppose that most good days are the busy ones except for an occasional day of reading and napping--especially if the weather is cool.

Tonight a friend and I met at our local "cheap seat" theater to see Charlie Wilson's War. We both came away amazed. Somehow it is a story that was lost in my history or maybe it was carefully kept hidden for a long time. Anyway, we both came away a little amazed and a little aghast at how things get done in Washington. It is a shame that politicians can't be open about so much of what they do because it would never fly among the other politicians. It seems that the system is almost sure to be covert by the very nature of how it all works. I'm almost certain that in the years to come we will hear of a lot more covert--more likely devious--things than this when all the history of the last 8 years is revealed. I'm sure more will be revealed. I had seen this movie panned by a critic so I didn't go with much expectation but I am really glad that I saw it. On tap for this weekend is a specialty screening of In the Valley of Elah. I do have great expectations of this movie.


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