donna's doings

Thursday, June 29, 2006


I have been amused by the some of the names of businesses that I have come across in my lifetime and more especially since living in the south. I have been especially amused by businesses that use references to Christianity in their names. It is like the filling station/restaurant that has a sign out front that says, "Praise the Lord. Eat here and get gas." Perhaps that sign is more honest than most. It's like the religious right which often is neither--right nor religious. It is so arrogant, I think, to use ones religion to get business or portray that somehow you will be a more honest or trustworthy business person because of a religious reference. I truly believe that we are known by the fruit that we produce as the scripture says.

I remember a used car dealer in southern Indiana that had a cross on its sign and the name Saved Used Cars. Maybe it just meant that the used cars had been saved from the junk yard--I don't know. Last week here in Lakeland I saw a truck pulling a trailer that said Jesus Tile and Flooring. I thought that was interesting and wondered just what kind of flooring Jesus would want you to have or would he really care. Down the street from me on Florida Avenue is a mechanic's garage called Bakkers (any relation to Jim, I wonder) and Bakker always has a Bible reference on the sign. I wonder if he is a reputable mechanic but somehow I just don't want to even try to find out.

All this reminds me of the Biblical reference to the Pharisees and not praying to be seen by others. I have always regarded religious bumper stickers in that way too. It has always seemed to me to be such a common way of professing ones faith. I really believe that it is how our lives are seen by others--how we act and treat others--rather than the signs that we display that Christ requires. Somehow "God is my co-pilot" or "Honk if you love Jesus" seems such an ordinary way of professing the greatness of an awesome God. I suppose, for that matter, even the silver cross that I have loved wearing around my neck for years does not do justice to the whole cross experience. It is how that cross experience has changed me that is the true test of my faith and belief.


  • At 9:10 PM, Blogger Natalie said…

    I'm enjoying your blog. Keep on writing!

  • At 7:44 PM, Blogger JT Evans said…

    I seem to recall you wore bigger crosses when the Mormons were trying to recruit you in Utah!


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