donna's doings

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I'll have the soup--punch line to a joke you may have heard. It is nearing the end of a good day for me. I got to have a noontime breakfast with son John and lady Cheryl at the Cracker Barrel at exit 10 on Interstate 4. It is about half way for each of us and a good meeting place for a meal. We enjoyed our banter about the past couple of weeks and their upcoming vacation to Chicago. I love being with my kids.

Our guest minister at church this morning had a very interesting thought in his sermon about the air that we now breath being the same air that has been in our universe for millions of years which means that we are breathing in the same air that Jesus Christ and every great as well as common person who has gone before us has breathed, and everyone who comes after us will be breathing in the same air that we have breathed. I thought that was quite a profound thought. He mentioned that the dinosaurs had breathed the same air as well. I thought that might account for some of the stink that we sometimes experience too.

I borrowed my niece's DVD's of the first season of EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND and have been watching them this weekend. I had never seen the show more than a half dozen times during its existence and then usually a rerun. I actually got interested in it when I saw some of the cast being interviewed on the late night shows about the time the show was going off the air. I am findind the series absolutely hilarious and enjoyable. It moves right along with no commercials to have to fast forward through. It is absolutely the best way to watch a series. I have done lots of laughing outloud all by myself. I always find it rather startling when I laugh audibly alone because I always associate laughter as something that is shared with someone else. I am finding laughing alone to be quite therapeutic and I am grateful for it. If it is true that laughter increases good health then I should be getting healthier. I just need to get off the sofa and move my body around.

Peace and blessing on us all as we start a new week.


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