donna's doings

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Not long ago while browsing in the refrigerated section of Publix for something, I found English crumpetts. I suppose I have heard of tea and crumpetts for as long as I have known about fairy tales and story books. I always had an image of something delicious and perhaps somewhat exoctic although I never really bothered to ask anyone or read anything descriptive about them. They look like a little pancake about 3 inches across and browned on one side as though cooked in a skillet like a pancake. The flip side is white and full of air holes all the way to the surface which makes me think they are probably poured into a little round form on a griddle and cooked until the batter is done all the way through. The package had no instructions for heating or eating so I guess it is surmised that if you buy the things you know what to do with them.

I took 2 crumpetts and popped them into the toaster oven to heat. I tried eating them with syrup and also with lime curd, a delicious spread that I especially like. They were bland and had a less than tender texture and none of the toppings made them really palatable. I guess the rest of the package will go in the trash when garbage pick up time rolls around again. What a waste and a disappointment. Not only was it a disappointment to my palette but it has spoiled the whole image from childhood of tea and crumpetts. A good old pancake like my children's father used to make from scratch will replace that dream now. I guess it goes to show that some things are left best to our childhood story books and fantacy. From here on out it will be a Thomas's 100% whole wheat mini bagel for me toasted up good and spread with Kraft softened honey and nut creme cheese. Now that is good with the cup of tea. The mini sized bagels are much more tender than their larger counterpart in case you have trouble with the toughness of some bagels like I do.

Cheerio, everyone.


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