When I was having brunch with John and Lady Cheryl on Sunday she said that she is disenchanted with her blog because she never has anything to write about and that I always have stuff happening to write about. I am about the most unhappening person that I know but it is true that almost everyday there is some little something that I can expound upon. The secret, I believe, is learning to expound. I Wish I could have done a better job of it when I was writing term papers in college. Again, "too soon old....."
Today I went to my neighborhood Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of items and the place was teeming with Moms and kids buying back to school supplies. I have always been a sucker at back to school time for crayons, spiral bound notebooks, pens, etc. Today was no exception. I came home with two boxes of 24 Crayola crayons--my favorites--and Crayola markers. I had already bought 2 of the plastic pencil boxes that they have every year at this time because I use them to organize household things and then stack them in larger plastic storage drawers. Lest you think me a neat freak I will tell you that I am not that at all. My Mom and I agreed sometime ago that we could never live together because we would drive each other crazy--she is super neat and my place has a super lived in appearance (or in other words, sloppy.) Now the school supplies may never be opened and used but I have them just in case and I feel very good about that. Crayola can stay in business another year.
I remember when I was a little kid and we used Goldenrod lined yellow tablets for school. They cost 5 cents each. At this time of year I always remember the thrill of opening a new one to the first page that had never had a large lead pencil pressed against it to indent all of the rest of the pages to come. Life was so simple then. I am so glad for those memories of simple times.
We are having a gentle rain this afternoon which I hope continues but it probably won't last long. Most of the summer tropical showers are short lived here and make the air all the more oppressive when they end. I never have finished my weedeating job from last Friday when I blew up the weedeater. Now that it has rained I won't get to finish it today because the grass will be too wet. What a relief to have a good excuse for not doing it today. Maybe I will open the crayons after all.
Today I went to my neighborhood Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of items and the place was teeming with Moms and kids buying back to school supplies. I have always been a sucker at back to school time for crayons, spiral bound notebooks, pens, etc. Today was no exception. I came home with two boxes of 24 Crayola crayons--my favorites--and Crayola markers. I had already bought 2 of the plastic pencil boxes that they have every year at this time because I use them to organize household things and then stack them in larger plastic storage drawers. Lest you think me a neat freak I will tell you that I am not that at all. My Mom and I agreed sometime ago that we could never live together because we would drive each other crazy--she is super neat and my place has a super lived in appearance (or in other words, sloppy.) Now the school supplies may never be opened and used but I have them just in case and I feel very good about that. Crayola can stay in business another year.
I remember when I was a little kid and we used Goldenrod lined yellow tablets for school. They cost 5 cents each. At this time of year I always remember the thrill of opening a new one to the first page that had never had a large lead pencil pressed against it to indent all of the rest of the pages to come. Life was so simple then. I am so glad for those memories of simple times.
We are having a gentle rain this afternoon which I hope continues but it probably won't last long. Most of the summer tropical showers are short lived here and make the air all the more oppressive when they end. I never have finished my weedeating job from last Friday when I blew up the weedeater. Now that it has rained I won't get to finish it today because the grass will be too wet. What a relief to have a good excuse for not doing it today. Maybe I will open the crayons after all.
At 4:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I too remember the adrenaline rush from the odors associated with back to school. I still love to sniff a new box of Crayola crayons. Is there any other brand?? Also reams of notebook paper have their own scent as do the shellac that makes the spiral notebooks covers shiny and a freshly sharpened pencil. I went to a pencil factory in England and it was really interesting to watch them being made. They actually import the wood from the U.S. to make millions of pencils.
Since I have such a keen sense of smell, which can be both a blessing and curse, I have lots of scent memories catalogged . My favorite odors are new books, tanned leather and fresh baked bread . My father delivered bread to stores in the wee hours of the morning and whenever we picked him up in the afternoon he brought out a fresh loaf that was hot out of the oven and we would devour it on the way home.
Have a blessed day.
At 9:04 PM,
Teresa said…
I LOVE the smell and look of a new box of crayons. My favorite is the boxes of 64 or 96 - with a sharpener! Why else would I want to be a teacher?? (lol)
Just wondering if you received my last emails. I am afraid I have the wrong address for you.
Have a great day with your crayons.
At 1:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am glad to find out I'm not the only weird one about crayons. I have a box of 64 that I keep because I had always wanted one as a child. We could only afford the 16 pack. I used to watch Captain Kangaroo and the advertisements for the big, big box of crayons was more than I could ever hope for. If they made them again I would spend my last dime buying it! Sure enjoying this Donna! Marty
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