One of the things that I did not say in my profile for this blog is that I have been a tea drinker pretty much all of my adult life. I guess I really discovered it when I was 21 years old and met my English friend who became my lifetime soul sister. She has been with me through the best of times and the worst of times. The tea is one small perk of having met her.
I am at this moment having my morning cup and with it finished off some luscious "Triple Ginger Snaps" that my daughter sent me from Trader Joes in Chicago. The snaps have tiny bits of candied ginger in them that is chewy and stick to your teeth giving a last little after taste of the spicy ginger. As my family will attest, I make a kick ass ginger snap myself but not in the league of these for snappiness and zest. I wish that Trader Joe had a mail order business because there are things that I would definitely be ordering from there. The Trader Joe "Sesame Stix" are "you-can't-eat-just-one" good. Enough about food but the cup of tea is marvelous. Today I am having Typhoo which a Scottish friend introduced me to 30+ years ago. Most mornings I settle for Tetley--especially the British blend. I never, oh never, drink Lipton unless I am someplace where there is no other choice and then I only lightly dip it in the water. It doesn't even make good iced tea. It is a very bitter tea to my taste. At one time I decided that I would totally decaf myself but that soon fell by the wayside. Decaf tea just doesn't cut it for me. I'd rather have one cup of the real thing than all of the decaf tea in the world.
It is Saturday and hot, hot, hot already. I will spend most of the day with Andy while Jill, Tony and Trevor go to the beach. I don't think I will miss being in the sun although I am ready for a beach day myself. Any takers out there? Yesterday was a really bum day for me so I hope that my spirits get lifted today. I believe that they are rising already. Shalom!
I am at this moment having my morning cup and with it finished off some luscious "Triple Ginger Snaps" that my daughter sent me from Trader Joes in Chicago. The snaps have tiny bits of candied ginger in them that is chewy and stick to your teeth giving a last little after taste of the spicy ginger. As my family will attest, I make a kick ass ginger snap myself but not in the league of these for snappiness and zest. I wish that Trader Joe had a mail order business because there are things that I would definitely be ordering from there. The Trader Joe "Sesame Stix" are "you-can't-eat-just-one" good. Enough about food but the cup of tea is marvelous. Today I am having Typhoo which a Scottish friend introduced me to 30+ years ago. Most mornings I settle for Tetley--especially the British blend. I never, oh never, drink Lipton unless I am someplace where there is no other choice and then I only lightly dip it in the water. It doesn't even make good iced tea. It is a very bitter tea to my taste. At one time I decided that I would totally decaf myself but that soon fell by the wayside. Decaf tea just doesn't cut it for me. I'd rather have one cup of the real thing than all of the decaf tea in the world.
It is Saturday and hot, hot, hot already. I will spend most of the day with Andy while Jill, Tony and Trevor go to the beach. I don't think I will miss being in the sun although I am ready for a beach day myself. Any takers out there? Yesterday was a really bum day for me so I hope that my spirits get lifted today. I believe that they are rising already. Shalom!
At 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'd so go to the beach with you, Mom. I wish I could. I hope your day brightens. With a cute, good baby around I'm sure it will.
Much love!
At 5:43 PM,
JT Evans said…
Thanks to Mrs. Brown, I'm still starting the day with tea, milk, and sugar. Twining's pulled a dirty one by keeping the price for a box of English Breakfast the same but reducing the # of bags in a box from 25 to 20. There were still three boxes of Irish Breakfast, 25's, on the shelf so I hoarded them all. And I got a big box of Tetley. Got t' have me blinkin' tea, ducks.
At 12:43 PM,
CherylRenee said…
Oh how I love ginger snaps. I don't know if I would like the sticky kind. I eat about 3 to 4 bags of ginger snaps a week. They sell them in a vending machine at work. My grandmother use to give my ginger snaps all the time when I was little.
It has been really hot this weekend. I usually can take the heat pretty well but lately, it's been almost miserable.
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