This weekend my 89 year old mother came down with a bad case of allergy/flu/cold/congestion, something going around down here with people of all ages. You cough until you feel like you have split your sides, wet your pants, and make undignified noises. Anyway my brother got her to urgent care yesterday morning where she got run through the x-ray and all their other tests for a total of about 4 hours and came home after a shot with pills, liquid, an inhaler and you name it. We probably got her there in the nick of time. Two of my neighbors were being hauled off by the paramedics at 7 a.m. this morning as I was getting ready to leave for church. I'm glad we got ahead of the game a day. By tomorrow she could have been really sick. She isn't all that well today in spite of the medicine to tell the truth. Anyway, I have said all this to say that I stopped by after early church and visited her a few minutes and then came home and started some chicken soup for our lunch. Chicken soup always seems a good prescription for whatever ails one. The aroma certainly is inviting. It is nearly noon and still overcast, damp and dark. It reminds me of Ohio River Valley weather without the ice and snow storms. Got to taste test the soup. Happy Sunday everyone.
At 7:15 AM,
CherylRenee said…
oh no! Is she doing better?
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