I should never watch or listen to the news. How can a President of the USA veto stem cell research on the basis of morals and then condone bombing the citizens of other countries to hell and back? I just don't get it. And these are stem cells that would other wise be discarded. Will someone please explain this to me? If this makes me a liberal then I am proud to be called LIBERAL.
At 9:54 PM, Anonymous said…
Typical. The liberal's viewpoint is to kill the unborn child, while saving the whale or snail darter...i.e Jimmy Carter...look it up. The President supports the unborn. Yes, he also supports Israel's right to defend itself against those who want to destroy it. I agree with the President. If that is a conservative viewpoint, then I'm proud to be a conservative.
At 10:43 PM, dddonna said…
I'm sorry anonymous is so conservative that he/she couldn't sign his/her name. A stem sell is not a viable fetus (unborn child)but it could possibly help someone have a viable life.
At 10:59 PM, Anonymous said…
Most of the time liberals don't get it!
At 8:54 AM, CherylRenee said…
I'm a proud liberal too and would much rather kill the unborn instead of the born. Yep,I said it.
At 9:19 AM, CherylRenee said…
and one other thing mr anonymous, we have the right to defend ourselves against disease just as we have the right to defend ourselves against terrorism. We already know that bush doesn't see a problem with the collateral damage created along the way if the end result is the safety of Americans.
At 10:59 AM, JT Evans said…
I agree with you, Donna and Cheryl. Sorry, Zorro, you're outnumbered. And by the way, ladies, do you watch "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC? Thought you might enjoy his barbs of Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter. I like the voice he uses when reading Bill O'Reilly's asinine comments. And he always shows Ann's photo with her eye-patch. Yep, Ann, I hate America -- at least that part of it that you occupy. Aaargh!
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