donna's doings

Monday, September 25, 2006


I finally got over whatever the crud was that I contracted. It really sucked my strength and coupled with almost 5 weeks of traveling from which to recuperate I was totally beat. I have had so much to catch up on that I'm still doing mail, putting things away, and catching up laundry, etc. I did get smart and hire someone to catch up my garden work for me and that really helped. The place looked like a shaggy dog when I got back. I'm back at piano practice and playing for church, singing in the choir, and Bible study.

I can't think of anything funny or profound so will leave you dear readers waiting for my good humor to return or something bordering on excitement happening to me.


  • At 11:46 PM, Blogger JT Evans said…

    Lord, if I thought I had to come up with something funny or profound every time I made a post I wouldn't say much either. But I don't let that stop me! Hope that encourages you.

  • At 9:44 PM, Blogger johnnie said…

    ^ I know that's right! :p

    Glad you're feeling better, mom.


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