I'M SICK!!!!
I am so sick. It is like having one of those nagging summer colds that just hangs on and on. I caught this nauseating illness from the news media. There isn't anything good in it anymore. Some would call my illness cynicism. I'm not sure what the most recent accepted treatment for it is so I will just have to ride it out. More news certainly isn't the answer.
I am very sick of negative political campaigning. I have decided not to vote for anyone I know of who doesn't operate a clean campaign. I am sick of hearing politicians using Christian values and family values as a bully pulpit--check out Hitler's religious espousal prior to WWII. I don't want to vote for anyone who uses those terms in their campaign. I'd rather vote for an avowed sinner if the person is half way honorable. At least the person wouldn't have to lie so much. As the good old HOLY BIBLE says, "You will know them by their fruits."
I'm sick of liars, money grubbers, sexual predators, lobbyists, "mugs, thugs and pugs," in my government. I'm tired of the 35% of our congressmen who are already millionaires voting themselves pay increases almost every year while their constituents are going down the tubes financially and big business gets bigger and richer. Only 1% of North Americans as a whole are millionaires. At this point you might think I sound sick enough to throw up--we called it "puke" when I was a kid.
I am sick of the God, guts and Old Glory waving email that I get when we are nearing 3,000 of our precious young men dying in Iraq. It is always our young men who die and if you want to see what that looks like watch the movie PEARL HARBOR, MEMPHIS BELLE or the newly released FLY BOYS. I didn't have the guts to watch SAVING PRIVATE RYAN but that should be enough to convince you of what it looks like when American youth--or youth of any nationality for that matter--are slaughtered, and they die with so much dignity and disillusionment.
Oh, if that hasn't convinced you that I am sick, then how does 160,000 dead Iraqis sound to you? I haven't heard just how many Iraqi corpses they have found in mass graves that Sadam had slaughtered. I wonder if it is anywhere near 160,000. At this point it doesn't really matter whether you are killed by Americans or insurgents. When you are dead you are dead and looking down any gun barrel probably looks about the same to the one about to meet the Almighty regardless of religious or cultish beliefs. God save us all.
Excuse me, I have to make a mad dash to the bathroom. I'm about to "puke!"
Wow, does that ever feel better. Maybe I found the cure afterall. Bye bye.
I am very sick of negative political campaigning. I have decided not to vote for anyone I know of who doesn't operate a clean campaign. I am sick of hearing politicians using Christian values and family values as a bully pulpit--check out Hitler's religious espousal prior to WWII. I don't want to vote for anyone who uses those terms in their campaign. I'd rather vote for an avowed sinner if the person is half way honorable. At least the person wouldn't have to lie so much. As the good old HOLY BIBLE says, "You will know them by their fruits."
I'm sick of liars, money grubbers, sexual predators, lobbyists, "mugs, thugs and pugs," in my government. I'm tired of the 35% of our congressmen who are already millionaires voting themselves pay increases almost every year while their constituents are going down the tubes financially and big business gets bigger and richer. Only 1% of North Americans as a whole are millionaires. At this point you might think I sound sick enough to throw up--we called it "puke" when I was a kid.
I am sick of the God, guts and Old Glory waving email that I get when we are nearing 3,000 of our precious young men dying in Iraq. It is always our young men who die and if you want to see what that looks like watch the movie PEARL HARBOR, MEMPHIS BELLE or the newly released FLY BOYS. I didn't have the guts to watch SAVING PRIVATE RYAN but that should be enough to convince you of what it looks like when American youth--or youth of any nationality for that matter--are slaughtered, and they die with so much dignity and disillusionment.
Oh, if that hasn't convinced you that I am sick, then how does 160,000 dead Iraqis sound to you? I haven't heard just how many Iraqi corpses they have found in mass graves that Sadam had slaughtered. I wonder if it is anywhere near 160,000. At this point it doesn't really matter whether you are killed by Americans or insurgents. When you are dead you are dead and looking down any gun barrel probably looks about the same to the one about to meet the Almighty regardless of religious or cultish beliefs. God save us all.
Excuse me, I have to make a mad dash to the bathroom. I'm about to "puke!"
Wow, does that ever feel better. Maybe I found the cure afterall. Bye bye.
At 9:41 PM,
JT Evans said…
May I join you in puking? Great post!
At 10:41 PM,
Natalie said…
Go get 'em, baby! That was great. I read it out loud to Jerry, and he liked it too. Stay angry!
At 2:44 PM,
dddonna said…
PS I have to add to my "no vote list" the idiot here in Florida who has his little kids doing his TV commercial. Pretty soon there will be no one left for me to vote for. Donna
At 12:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Donna, I wish you would send this to the letters to the editor column in the Lakeland Ledger! I think it would print!
At 8:04 AM,
CherylRenee said…
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