I've been listening to too much news. So Rush Slimeball was struck with hoof and mouth again today. I wonder how he would feel if he were stricken with a life threatening disease that made him act or look different. I would be afraid to say such things much less think it.
Also, hooray for the Dixie Chicks.
Also, hooray for the Dixie Chicks.
At 6:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I feel very sorry for you. I can understand your liberal views based on the fact that you have spent so much time in the Episcopal church. That alone has diminished any hope that you will ever change.
At 4:05 PM,
dddonna said…
Obviously, anonymous doesn't know much about the Episcopal church. It requires more devotion and goodness than I can ever hope to attain. Fourtunately it also teaches that God is love and that he sent Christ to the cross for my sins. I have to repent for my sins on a daily basis because I am not perfect. I will put my values and moral living up against that of anyone I know. This blog is simply a means for me to shoot off my mouth and anyone who is offended by what I say should not be reading what I write. So far as I know we still have freedom of speech in this country. Limbaugh certainly has as we saw yesterday. I have no hatred in my heart, no animosity and no grudges against anyone. I hold myself to a high moral and ethical standard in my living. I welcome the prayers of anyone who thinks I have strayed.
At 6:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous knows plenty about how to talk smack. Next time I'm in pike county I'm going to kick anonymous in the rear end.
At 11:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't feel sorry for you, dddonna. I admire you for your Christian behavior, whether Episcopalian, Presbyterian, or Nazarene, as it has been at various times in your life. I commend you for your pointing out that part of Rush Limbaugh's public behavior which is not Christian. Rush has a right to say stupid and malicious things. And those of us who recognize the ravings of a stupid and malicious windbag for what they are have the right to point them out. What would Jesus say on radio? And in posts on your blog? And would he hide his identity?
At 8:10 AM,
CherylRenee said…
I've been away from your blog too long. I have to catch up.
At 6:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
How about your boy John Kerry? He just handed the "House" back to us!!! Thanks, liberals!!!
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