Of all the things that I could be doing this morning here I sit at my blog. I was catching up on my blog reading this morning and I could'n help but continue to be amazed at how viscious most anonymous comments are. If a person disagrees so with a writer's point of view then why are they reading the blog to begin with? I regard it as something like the minister who preaches hell fire and brimstone to his parishoners and then lives an admittedly immoral life or like former Congressman Foley who was supposed to be working for the safety of the nations children but was writing suggestive emails to minor males. If you are so opposed to what we write then you anonymous naysayers and attackers should not read our blogs. Get your own blog and espouse your views. It is free and it doesn't take much time. Don't bother to announce your address to me because it would be hypocritical of me to read it.
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Donna: You are the ultimate hypocrite. Congressman Foley did a dispicable thing with the pages. ANY homosexual act is dispicable whether with a minor or another adult. Both are bad. However, as usual, you pounced upon a republican homosexual and not Barney Frank, the best known democrat homosexual who ran an escort service out of his house in D.C. You democrats are really good at choosing those that you want to criticize while ignoring the stink in your own nostrils. Now you'll probably slam me for pointing that out. Go ahead, I can take it.
At 3:11 PM,
dddonna said…
Anonymous, I am sorry that you are so full of hostility and that you still find it necessary to read my writing and then call me names. I'd be be happy if you did not, as I suggested, read my blog. I don't mind you taking a different point of view from mine but you are so hostile. I'm not accustomed to such angry outbursts. If you don't respond a little more nicely I am going to start collapsing your comments. I merely mentioned Congressman Foley because it was the latest news. As I also suggested, you should espouse your views in a blog of your own. I would be happy to read it. I would never put you down personally as you have me. I truly hope that you are someone I don't know but since you call me by name I feel pretty sure that we are acquainted.
At 7:28 PM,
johnnie said…
...or, sadly, family.
At 8:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
No, I don't know you. Your name is visable on your blog. I'm sorry if I offended you, but the views that you espouse really bother me. I will not, however, respond again to any of your posts.
At 2:07 AM,
johnnie said…
Whatevs. We've heard all this before from you, anonym-ass. You just wandered in and happened to read something. Right. You're not going to post again. Right. You don't know Donna or JT or any of us. You're just a random internet troll with no connection to us whatsoever. And yet, again and again you show up and post about how we don't get it or how you pity us or how we're hypocrites or reprobates or how we're going to hell or whatever. Let me tell you this much, I'm on to you. I have site tracking software on my blog and it tells me your ip address. So you had BEST stay away. Seriously.
At 2:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
we're coming to get you, boy
At 3:06 PM,
Natalie said…
I wish I could get some anonymous person to make disparaging, inflammatory comments on my blog. It would be so exciting! Instead it's just my parents saying, "Great job, Missy!" (Not that I mind the love and support of my loving and supporting parents.)
At 9:22 PM,
JT Evans said…
Fact: Barney Frank did not run an escort service out of his house. He found out that a male with whom he was living was running such a service, and he kicked the man out. He of his own volition reported the matter to the House ethics committee, which found no evidence that he himself had been involved. The House reprimanded him for it. This was, just for the record, sixteen years ago. He has served honorably ever since. He had already made his homosexual orientation a matter of public record in 1987. He was not and is not a closeted gay and at the same time a public gay-basher. He is not a sexual predator of children and especially not such a predator while actually purporting to be the House chair of a committee entrusted with the job of protecting children from such crime. His homosexuality did not become known because of a scandal: Frank disclosed it himself. Being homosexual, it apparently needs to be said, is not against the law; nor is it a disqualification for Congress. Being a preacher condemning gays while secretly visiting male prostitutes is a different matter. Being a secret sexual predator of children while openly denouncing sexual predators of children is a different matter. Which is the least despicable (correct spelling)? Which makes the biggest stench in one's nostrils? Oh. And BTW: "Great job, Missy!"
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