The first thing that I heard when I awakened this morning was that Sadam Hussein had been handed down his sentence for the killing of countless citizens of Iraq: Death by hanging. I hear he preferred a firing squad but won't be afforded that wish.
I don't care to argue or discuss whether a life for a life is a deterrent to crime or even justice in this case. I imagine when all is said and done that it is justifiable for him to pay with his life. The thing that still concerns me is the countless (some estimate 160,000) Iraqi lives lost in our all out effort to win the war in Iraq (believe me there are no winners in a war) and the 3,000 young men from the USA who have given their lives in a war supposedly over weapons of mass distruction (WMD's) which somehow turned into a war on terrorism. I think that we have struck terror in the hearts of every family here and abroad who have been touched by this war. Who will "hang" for all these lives lost? Any volunteers?
I don't care to argue or discuss whether a life for a life is a deterrent to crime or even justice in this case. I imagine when all is said and done that it is justifiable for him to pay with his life. The thing that still concerns me is the countless (some estimate 160,000) Iraqi lives lost in our all out effort to win the war in Iraq (believe me there are no winners in a war) and the 3,000 young men from the USA who have given their lives in a war supposedly over weapons of mass distruction (WMD's) which somehow turned into a war on terrorism. I think that we have struck terror in the hearts of every family here and abroad who have been touched by this war. Who will "hang" for all these lives lost? Any volunteers?
At 9:20 AM,
CherylRenee said…
Someone needs to be held accountable for this mess
At 1:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
When the Democrats win the next Presidential election maybe we can have a trial for George Bush!! He should be held accountable for the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people he put in harm's way because he lied to Congress and the American People!
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