donna's doings

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I have been out of steam lately with my blogging. I have not been inspired, to say the least. Things here at the house are in limbo because I am in the process of getting a part of my patio enclosed into a garden room with lots of windows. Progress is slow and I am putting off a lot of things until I can start moving furniture out there which will be next year at earliest as I see it.

I've tried to get a few Xmas lights up outside and I put my tree on my patio instead of indoors. I intended to root around in my storage shed today and drag out my crates of Xmas stuff so that I can sort it out with the hope of getting rid of a few things. Wouldn't you know it is raining steadily today. So much for that project. Some days are like this. We all have them.

Tomorrow is my church day--Eucharist, Bible Study, Alanon and piano practice. Then it is the weekend again. Friday is girlfriend day--lunch and movie. So much for my week. Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent so I will get to play Advent music. I will enjoy the season because there is so much beautiful music around that theme.

Last Saturday I took my great nephew and my mom to see "Happy Feet," the animated penguin movie. It was adorable--a lot like "March of the Penguins" with a cute story line and aimed toward a more juvenile audience (that would be me).

We used to say, "Rain before seven, sun out by eleven." It is 10:57 and I see the sun is coming out. I may get into the storeroom yet. Have a good day, everyone.


  • At 10:41 PM, Blogger JT Evans said…

    We saw March of the Penguins on Hallmark the other night. The stars socialized with the human crew who filmed them, they say. I love to watch the adults walk -- they remind me of big likable dorky guys I've known, mostly from the blue-collar world. Enjoyed Morgan Freeman's narration. It's a good show.

  • At 8:14 PM, Blogger CherylRenee said…

    My mom called me and left me a message asking if I'd seen March of the Penguins. She was laughing when she called. I guess she enjoyed it. I need to see it.


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