I'm doing a week of Bible study on the beatitudes at 9 a.m. this week so I have to get up and out earlier than usual. This morning it was a challenge since it was so cold last night.
Speaking of sleeping, I have been having the weirdest dreams lately. One night I was trying to ride a motorcycle. It was cold, I wasn't properly dressed for it and I had a hard time starting the thing and had to keep asking for help. The next night I was driving a semi in Chicago. I do drive in Chicago and always get around quite well but a semi--come on. Saturday night I got badly beaten up by a bunch of women all beautifully dressed including hats. Figure that one out. Last night I was visiting with a friend of many many years whom I have not seen in many years and she was dying and the whole thing was bizarre and convoluted. Anyone who likes interpreting dreams could have a field day with these. Fortunately, my days are much better than my dreams.