donna's doings

Monday, April 30, 2007


I spent most of this afternoon preparing my bathroom floor for my brother to apply glazed tiles. The routine was to cut the old carpeting into strips which I then rolled and duct taped, pulling up the padding, tack strips, nails, staples, etc. I felt like I was standing on my head during most of this procedure. I made an effort to rip out the old linoleum but didn't have very effective tools for doing that chore so didn't get that finished. Tomorrow Jerry will come and assess what materials we need and get the job started. The next big chore is removing the toilet and replacing some plywood that is rotten. Next will come an overlay that has to be glued down before the tile application can begin. Sounds like I'll be visiting my mom and friends for bathroom privileges. This is about as exciting as my life gets right now but improvements are nice.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Last night I felt so down from the events of this week, as I wrote, so I decided to watch a movie. I have had a movie here for several weeks recommended to me by someone I respect so decided to slip it in the DVD player. The movie is set in Africa and is entitled "Tsotsi" and has subtitles so if you don't like subtitles forget watching it--actually I turned on the closed captioning and didn't even check to see if English is optional but I don't like watching a movie where the mouth is saying one thing and the words are something else so I would just as soon read, which I can do. Anyway, I began watching it and it has a pretty violent beginning which I'm not real keen on. Life is scarey enough without watching scarey movies, but since the recommendation came from someone respected, as I said, I decided that it had to have some redeeming qualities, which it did. It turned out to be a very fine film and one which pivots on the quality of decency. My artsy friends will enjoy this one.

Following this movie I decided I needed a laugh and so watched again Robin Williams in "Man of the Year." It gave me the lift that I needed and a laugh too. I went to bed in a happier mood. Part of the time I had to watch these movies with my sore eye closed but it worked out okay and today after lots of medicated eyedrops it is feeling better.

I also decided to cook yesterday and the reward of having done that buoyed me up last night as well as today. Sometimes we make our joy or take it wherever we can get it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


The findings in the news both here and abroad of the past couple of days are so troubling that it is difficult to think of anything very worthy of writing about. Have been doing a little gardening and the usual housework. I am having trouble with one of my eyes due to dryness so can't stay on the computer long or I begin to have pain. I wish something nice would happen that would cause us all to have more hope for our futures.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Please, dear God, when are the people of our country going to wake up and have some more rigid gun control? I know the NRA saying about only outlaws having guns when guns are outlawed but my feeling tonight is that every gun owner, given the right circumstances, can become an outlaw. Thirty three unnecessary deaths in one day on an otherwise quiet college campus is truly disproportionate by any stretch of the imagination--the largest number of gunshot deaths ever in this country.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


It has been a windy Sunday ushering in some cooler weather for the next week. I have had one of those horrible headaches that I get when there is a pressure change so I came home after first church service this a.m. and have slept almost all day. I feel like I will be able to sleep tonight too which isn't always the case with me. Out in the county today there was a tornado so there was some serious stuff going on.

It was a nice weekend. I spent Friday in the Sarasota area which was kind of like being on vacation. Anytime I see the gulf waters I feel like I'm on vacation. We ate at an Amish restaurant which was similar to the ones we have in Indiana but not quite as good--I'm spoiled.

As usual, it seems, with home care, I just got the bathtub plumbing and new surround finished and now my toilet tank has a leak. My plumber has gone north for the summer so now I have to find someone else to make the repair which I hope is minor--except for the fact that I'm having to keep the valve shut off. Woe is me! I hate homeowner responsibilities.

This must have been a slow news weekend because none of my blogger buddies have been writing. Peace to all of you.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Some of my family who blog have been bantering back and forth recently about chocolate sheet cake and homemade ice cream. I have a working ice cream freezer again and promise a sheet cake and fresh churned ice cream in the near future for anyone who can get here to partake. I don't have my cake recipe and have had to experiment with icecream recipes since my stash of recipes never made it to Florida but I can get the cake recipe from a friend and do a fairly decent rendition of the old favorite I believe. It isn't healthy eating but it sure is good.


I'm tired. It was a big day. I don't do church and making dinner in the same day as well as I used to especially when I don't plan a menu that can be cooked ahead. Anyway it turned out pretty well, was colorful and seasonal. John and Cheryl were here as was my mom. We had a good time together. Yes, I had my fill of chocolate today in case you wonder. I don't want anymore for a few hours at least.

The Easter Bunny brought beautiful flowers today and I felt very special--I thought that he must have been road kill or on someone's dinner table today but he made it afterall.

God's peace to you and yours and goodnight.

Friday, April 06, 2007


It is only about 70 degrees at high noon today and a wonderful day for gardening. That is what I have been doing--not that you can tell because things were so neglected. I worked outside some yesterday too. I heard on TV news this week that gardening was good for depression as it can cause a reuptake in seratonin levels. I already knew from experience that gardening is a good mood elevator so that was not news to me. I planted a root bound languishing potted palm in the ground in hopes that it takes off and fills a space that needed a plant. I had to cut a lot of the roots away to get them going in the direction for proper growth. It is a great day for pulling weeds after last nights rain although the ground doesn't look at all like there has been rain.

My friend Marty and I went dumpster diving this week and rescued 4 nice iron garden chairs and a matching chaise. I can only manage two chairs on my patio so she kept the rest. A new bottom cushion and they look inviting. I put the two bamboo ones that I had on the patio out at the curbside and before bedtime my neighbors had rescued them. We pass around the bounty here. Once a dumpster diver, always a dumpster diver. My friend Joyce Fleck in Indiana will attest to that. One of the nicest Xmas trees we ever had was out of a dumpster. That was back in grad school days and we were not going to have a tree that year. Boy, were the kids surprised when they came in from school. Those were the days.

I'm taking my mom to see the movie "Firehouse Dog" this afternoon which is a nice way to sit in a reclining chair and relax. We have a new 18 movie complex nearby and the seats recline--love that theater. I think this is sort of a Benji type movie and she will enjoy it.

No bunnies or eggs in the garden--just weeds and "geicos" as we refer to the garden variety lizards here. Chocolate on Sunday though. Peace!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


This is Maundy Thursday in Holy Week and so I have been to church tonight for which I played piano. It is a very special service for me because it is such a solemn reminder of what was to come for Jesus. Our service includes a foot washing for those who wish to participate, communion and a solemn, silent closing. After attending the service I find myself somewhat saddened and reluctant to resume normal activities. How must Jesus have felt?

It is raining softly, finally. Our grass has been dry and brown for some extended period of time now so maybe it will green up. Our fire danger has been very high so this will help. Sleeping should be pleasant tonight.

I ate an early dinner this evening which has now worn off and is causing me to want to find something to nosh on--perhaps some delicious granola full of nuts and seeds that I have. A cup of tea sounds good too.

Today my brother and I went to Lowes and bought new surround for my shower which I am looking forward to getting installed. He has already removed the old surround which means that I am showering at my moms or else taking PTA baths. I am also waiting for the plumber to install the new faucets which will have cutoff valves that were not a part of the original plumbing. Home improvement--what joy.

Something is going off in one of my storage closets--I think a smoke detector telling me that the battery is shot. So before I can sleep I have to sort through a basket of junk to find the thing. The funny thing is that it has been in there about 4 years and I didn't think the batteries lasted that long.

I'm going to shuffle off toward the kitchen. Only two more days until chocolate returns to my diet. Whoopee!

Happy Easter Day to everybody. I hope that your bunny shows up.