donna's doings

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


A note about the new Indy Jones movie: I was glad when it was over--it seemed to go on and on with endless military vehicle chases and swinging on jungle vines. Noticeably, Indy was breathy in some action scenes which I never noticed before leading me to believe that not unlike the rest of us Harrison Ford is showing his age too. You have to hand it to the man though for continuing to do his own stunt work.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Last night I went to see the movie GET SMART and it was a total laughin. I highly recommend it for when nothing but comedy will do--one of those times when you want to be entertained and you don't want to have to think about anything that requires an IQ above your age. I have come to really appreciate Steve Carell, who plays Smart, in things like LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE and DAN IN REAL LIFE. I never watched THE OFFICE so I didn't know his work until I saw him on the big screen.

Now on video--I bought it for $5 at Blockbuster as I do most of my movies--is REIGN OVER ME with Adam Sandler. I was not aware of this movie until I was browsing the 4/$20 stack at BB and found it. I think it is Sandler's most amazing role yet, a husband and father who lost his family on 9/11 and who is suffering from PTSD. This is a good watch.

Movies are my savior since TV is so awful. I wish I could just not turn it on at all but sometimes it is company when I'm here alone.

It is hot and humid in sunny Florida and the old AC is cranking and racking up the $$$ on the electric bill. I hope that you are enjoying comfortable weather wherever you are today. I hope you can view some of these movies.