donna's doings

Sunday, October 29, 2006


I have been having the most wonderful weekend. Wednesday I did some housekeeping chores and Thursday I did my church activities which is more than a full half day. Friday morning I had a medical procedure which took me off my feet for awhile so I spent the rest of Friday and Saturday mostly in bed.

My Friday lunch and movie friends came to my house instead and brought lunch and a movie and we celebrated the birthday of one of the girls. I slept through a lot of it but it was a fun way to spend a down day. Saturday I mostly napped and was up and down for some light chores. A friend brought her darling grandaughter and got supper for us all last night. So I have felt well cared for.

Today I was able to do my regular church duties but came home and after lunch with my mom I have relaxed the rest of the day. I have watched some ice skating and some Colts football. I also have paid my bills today so I am ready for a good evening in front of the TV if that is possible. I may have to watch a movie since I'm getting so fed up with all of the nasty political advertising.

By the way, in an earlier post I stated that I was not going to vote for anyone who engages in negative political campaigning. I am now down to one person to vote for so I either have to go back on my word or not vote. I guess I will have to go back on my word. I don't want to miss the opportunity to participate in democracy at work.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I've been listening to too much news. So Rush Slimeball was struck with hoof and mouth again today. I wonder how he would feel if he were stricken with a life threatening disease that made him act or look different. I would be afraid to say such things much less think it.

Also, hooray for the Dixie Chicks.


In about an hour there is going to be a press conference from the White House. It is being rumored in the news that it will have to do with a plan for getting out of Iraq. I'll bet they are making waffles like mad in the White House Kitchen right this minute.

I have been wishing that I could draw a cartoon. It would be of Bush, his wife and his dog in a tent in the desert. Maybe someone has already drawn it. If so I would like to see it. Anyway, so much for Stay the Course. I hope they have real maple syrup for those waffles.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Thanks to a change in Florida weather this was a hot cocoa morning. Autumn weather has finally arrived in full force and will last for about 2 days and then it will get warm again. We had a low of around 47 degrees this morning. Long jammies, the down comfort and the kitty felt really nice but I managed to roll out and go to the kitchen for the hot cocoa. Mmm!

About a month ago I decided to join the proletariat and the bourgeoisie and get cable installed. I had never had cable since I've lived here. One of the things that prompted me was the purchase of a new flat screen television about 3 months ago. I decided to buy a small wide screen one because I watch so many movies. One thing always leads to another. After being on an antenna for 4 years I could hardly believe the quality of the picture even on my old tv which I had installed in my bedroom. Since I don't want to become a tv junkie I mainly watch only the shows that I watched anyway. However, since my computer area is in the bedroom I can now be on the computer and listen to tv at the same time. Most of that time I listen to talk shows or news so it's a nice multitasking arrangement. The flat screen tv is something I am really glad that I treated myself to. I can pick it up with one hand. Technology is good.

Hawaiian pizza leftover from lunch with my mom and my aunt is my supper tonight. It is almost as good cold as it was hot at noon. Now I'll be off to class soon. My days pass so swiftly.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


A few days ago someone came into my life that I have been wanting ever since I have lived in Florida. I was out to lunch with my mom and we came across these adorable Golden puppies, the tiniest you have ever seen. We couldn't pass them up so I got a little male that I named Buffy. He is so quiet and no trouble at all. He sleeps all of the time in his little bed and never barks. He does snore softly though if you listen closely to him. The whole thing about this is that I am not supposed to have a dog here where I live so I hope I don't get in trouble. He really is a lot of company to me and I just love to sit and watch him sleep and see his little side breathe in and out as he lies there in his bed. There is only one drawback with him. In 3 to 4 months he will quit breathing if I don't replace his batteries. GOTCHA!!!!! My brother had to be a copycat and get himself one too after seeing mine. His is Little Rocky named for a real one named Rocky that he used to have.

Friday, October 13, 2006


If you have not yet been able to find enough comic relief in the current political fiasco, I will suggest that you consider seeing Robin Williams' new release, MAN OF THE YEAR. It ellicited several belly laughs from me and my friends. In all his humor he at least was not a buffoon. Need I say more?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'M SICK!!!!

I am so sick. It is like having one of those nagging summer colds that just hangs on and on. I caught this nauseating illness from the news media. There isn't anything good in it anymore. Some would call my illness cynicism. I'm not sure what the most recent accepted treatment for it is so I will just have to ride it out. More news certainly isn't the answer.

I am very sick of negative political campaigning. I have decided not to vote for anyone I know of who doesn't operate a clean campaign. I am sick of hearing politicians using Christian values and family values as a bully pulpit--check out Hitler's religious espousal prior to WWII. I don't want to vote for anyone who uses those terms in their campaign. I'd rather vote for an avowed sinner if the person is half way honorable. At least the person wouldn't have to lie so much. As the good old HOLY BIBLE says, "You will know them by their fruits."

I'm sick of liars, money grubbers, sexual predators, lobbyists, "mugs, thugs and pugs," in my government. I'm tired of the 35% of our congressmen who are already millionaires voting themselves pay increases almost every year while their constituents are going down the tubes financially and big business gets bigger and richer. Only 1% of North Americans as a whole are millionaires. At this point you might think I sound sick enough to throw up--we called it "puke" when I was a kid.

I am sick of the God, guts and Old Glory waving email that I get when we are nearing 3,000 of our precious young men dying in Iraq. It is always our young men who die and if you want to see what that looks like watch the movie PEARL HARBOR, MEMPHIS BELLE or the newly released FLY BOYS. I didn't have the guts to watch SAVING PRIVATE RYAN but that should be enough to convince you of what it looks like when American youth--or youth of any nationality for that matter--are slaughtered, and they die with so much dignity and disillusionment.

Oh, if that hasn't convinced you that I am sick, then how does 160,000 dead Iraqis sound to you? I haven't heard just how many Iraqi corpses they have found in mass graves that Sadam had slaughtered. I wonder if it is anywhere near 160,000. At this point it doesn't really matter whether you are killed by Americans or insurgents. When you are dead you are dead and looking down any gun barrel probably looks about the same to the one about to meet the Almighty regardless of religious or cultish beliefs. God save us all.

Excuse me, I have to make a mad dash to the bathroom. I'm about to "puke!"

Wow, does that ever feel better. Maybe I found the cure afterall. Bye bye.

Monday, October 09, 2006


I have been thinking lately about some of my favorite sensations and thought I might share some of them with you. One of my favorites is a freshly made bed with cotton sheets and down mattress topper and comforter. I can really get comfortable in that. The freshness lasts for about 3 days. Yes, even in Florida the down is wonderful.

Then there is the smell of freshly baking bread in the kitchen which has not happened in my house for a long time, but every time I think about it I tell myself, "Next winter." Winter is coming. Of course pumpkin pie is great too and I do make that at holiday time every year.

Visually I really enjoy a bright full moon and the sun reflecting on rippling water--preferably the gulf or the ocean or a big lake will do.

I love the taste of hot tea after arising and hot chocolate on a cool evening. Then there is the sensation of good dark chocolate melting on the tongue while drinking hot coffee with cream. MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!

My kitty, Willow, has a way of nuzzling my neck sometimes when I'm awakening or else when I am going to sleep that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. An aside to this is that we had The Blessing of the Animals at church last Saturday which was St. Francis day. I couldn't take Willow because her behavior can be so rotten and unpredictable. I figured she would put up a big fuss so I think that she will just have to remain a heathen.

It wouldn't surprise most of you that the sensation of listening to wonderful musc is very special to me. I also really like the sound of rain on my metal roof. It might surprise you that I enjoy the sound of thunder--especially the thunder that echoes as it rolls up the Ohio River valley. It sounds like it will never stop.

I could go on and on. It is hard not to keep conjuring up special sensations. Baby kisses, candy kisses, kissy face. I'm out of here.